Friday, January 8, 2010

How to Check Coolant and AC

Car Wallpaper
It's impossible to find out the condition of the coolant in the radiator just by searching in it. Coolant, a mix of ethylene glycol and water, analyzes with age, calls for contaminants that cause sludge, and becomes acidulous. When this deceases, it can get corrosion within the radiator and cooling system passages of the engine. To find out its condition, coolant must be ensured with coolant test strips that measure PH equaliser. Coolant is an environmentally hazardous matter. It pollutes the water level and is poisonous to people and creatures and therefore must be discarded of as a hazardous waste material. Your mechanic has extra tools and operations for testing and modifying coolant.

If your air conditioner system is blowing hot air rather than cool, the refrigerant gas may have leaked out, you may have a clogged capacitor, or the air conditioning blend door possibly stuck. Whatever the cause of the trouble, the air conditioning system requires immediate service. Turn the system off.

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You are able to cool the vehicle interior by putting the respiration control in the "vent" position and/or giving the windows.